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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pre-MBA reading

Today I got the four pre-MBA reading books: Finance for Executives, Corp Fin, Microeconomics and Fundamentals of Accounting. I flipped through the Fundamentals of Accounting and it was fairly basic. To anyone who has had experience working with financial statements, I would highly recommend not getting this text. I would highly recommend getting both the Fin for Ex and Corp Fin because the first gives you a good introduction to how senior managers should manage an organization financially in order to achieve the optimal performance and the latter talks about valuation techniques. Knowledge in both areas will be essential to surviving the 1 yr at INSEAD.

Since knowing that I will be attending INSEAD next year, I have not felt motivated to push myself at or outside of work. I think this is a natural reaction for most people. After all, by now those who have successfully survived the MBA application process are physically and mentally drained. From now to the beginning of the program is a little window of free time that we can enjoy spending with friends and family. But, I feel anxious because I know I will have to make a lot of tough decisions next year in terms of the geographic location and industry I will be working in. I think that's why I am contend to take it easy and go with the flow right now. I want to enjoy the stability and simplicity of my life for another 4 months before everything gets thrown up in the air. So if you are in the same shoes, I'd suggest you kick back, relax and try not to do too much. Next year will be a tough year mentally, emotionally and maybe even physically. To survive the sprinty marathon that is INSEAD, I need all the rest I can get now.

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