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Monday, August 30, 2010

Campus France

So if you want to get a long stay student visa to France, you will need to work with an agency called Campus France. To date, I still am unsure about what exactly Campus France does for students-to-be like myself other than collecting a $140 fee and giving me a receipt for my payment so that I can get the visa myself.

So anyway, off goes the letter that contains my money order to Campus France and my attestation letter that I've been accepted to INSEAD. In three weeks time, I should be able to schedule my visa interview at the French embassy.

I've heard some horror stories from current INSEAD students who said that they had to attend multiple interviews in order to get their visas. Well, hopefully that wouldn't happen to me since I live in Seattle but have to get my visa from the French consulate in San Francisco. But more on this to come...

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